What is a Web Ring?

A Webring is a group of websites that are about the same topic or are related in some way that are brought together by the CGI scripts of an organization known as Webring. The thing with the ring is that when you go to a page in the webring and click the "NEXT" button, you will go to the next site. If you do this long enough, you will end up where you started.

A Web Ring looks something like this:

This Swimmer's Inn Web Ring site is owned by
Majonie Pulumbarit .

Want to join the The Swimmer's Inn Web Ring?
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You must be the owner of the page.
The page that you submitted must be valid. All fake pages will be removed from the queue.
You must include the HTML fragment (inclusive of 6 IDs) in your page. We will not add your site to the ring unless you put in the code.
It is more advisable to put the HTML fragment on your main page(index.html) to make it easier for everyone to move through the ring. However, if you are putting the fragment on another page, we kindly request you to put directions to the page containing the HTML fragment in it.

If you believe you can comply with all these rules, go here

The Swimmer's Inn Webring
©1997 The Ringmasters Inc.
All Rights Reserved